Sunday, April 14, 2013

Hulen Movie Tavern

Ellie Brown    
Rhetoric of Space
“Movies have never tasted so good”
Who doesn’t like food? Even if you aren’t a big movie buff, and you can’t be bothered to keep up with the latest Twilight knock off in the theatres, food is a universal draw. And boy does Movie Tavern have your fix. With the tag line “movies have never tasted so good”, the bait is set.
From a marketing standpoint, Movie Tavern as a brand relies heavily on the draw and appeal of food and drink in conjunction with your movie going experience. They don’t pride themselves on the best sound quality, of the biggest screens; they are all about comfort and hospitality. Never underestimate the draw of alcohol.

As you walk into the Hulen Movie Tavern, the first thing that grabs your attention is not the movie posters, or even a candy counter, but rather the full bar that is equipped to mix any edible drink imaginable (and some that aren’t). Directly next to the bar is an espresso bar with small café style table, tastefully decorated with flowers. It’s so inviting you almost forget that you’d there to see the movie in the first place. But if you can get through the bar and buy a ticket, you still have to get to your theatre. Down the hallway with huge posters of the various entrees and desserts on one side, while matching waiters run up and down with menus and drinks in and out of the dark rooms. But finally, you can sit down and enjoy your film.

            The space and atmosphere of the building is relaxed and draws mostly on the appeal of pathos. Hunger as an emotion is a huge deal at Movie Tavern. As Lunsford writes in Everything’s an Argument “We all make decisions based on our feelings” (Lunsford 30), and hunger/thirst is a huge decision maker in this theatres’ favour.  You can go to a Movie Tavern hungry and eat a meal, you can go after a meal for drinks and a film, it’s a two for one date package, and even if you aren’t hungry or underage, having someone bring you ice cold water in the Texas heat is always a hard deal to beat.

            Architecture wise, the seating and design is largely logos driven. Stadium seating, comfy lazy-boy style seats, individual tables for food, clear lighting: all these things are designed for maximum comfort logically. Stadium seating for example seems so obvious and we take it granted as movie goers, but can you imagine if that movie theatre didn’t think logically and put all the chairs on the same level? It would be illogical for only the front two rows to see. The colors are calming and don’t jump of the walls in a distracting manner creating a space that “suggests tranquility and serenity” (Giannetti 22) as well as all the soft lighting and light fixtures. The building itself is easy to navigate, clearly lit, and almost homey with the smells coming from a centrally located kitchen.

Atmospherically, ethos comes into play in a big way. Movie Tavern relies on the ethos of the correlation between food to pleasure. Most people are happy if they have something sweet, or a drink, and if we are happy to before the movie, we expect the film to be good. Even if the film is below, if you have an enjoyable dinner the whole experience won’t be a total loss. This can create an expectation that even a bad film will be at the very least bearable at a Movie tavern. One good experience will lead to repetition, and food is an east experience to replicate. As Lunsford explains, “arguments are composed with specific audiences in mind, and their success depends on how well their strategies, content, and language meet the expectations of the audience” (Lunsford 96). With the expectation of receiving pleasure from one aspect of the experience, some of the more negative aspects can be nullified and that is really important to the reputation and credibility of a business. If you can convince a consumer that they will have fun no matter what they come to see, you can open up a much bigger market than your competitors.
 As a theatre, the marketing stategy and the building itself is lovely and simple, but overall very persuasive. With drinks, food, and entertainment, what else can one single establishment offer for less than $20? So with that in mind, I have to give the Hulen Movie Tavern an easy 3 out of 3 tickets!


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Showbiz Cinemas Granbury, Texas

Falan Fish 

Movie theaters are supposed to provide the ultimate movie watching experience. Between the advanced sound, the gargantuan screen, and the dark room, moviegoers are supposed to experience something they can’t recreate anywhere else. Since people are paying for the experience, where they choose to go is generally an important decision. Often, people have a favorite theater that they regularly attend, and I am no exception. Showbiz Cinemas, in my hometown of Granbury, Texas, is always my first choice for movie watching. But why is this so? Why do people even have favorite theaters? Oftentimes, it is the atmosphere of a theater that entices people to attend. With that being said, just as “arguments are composed with specific audiences in mind, and their success depends, in part, on how well their strategies, content, and language meet the expectations of the audience,” (Lunsford 96) so too are movie theaters. They must use ethos, pathos, and logos to make their theater appealing to everyone.

Unlike other theaters, the audience of Showbiz Cinemas is fundamentally different. Because Showbiz Cinemas is in a small town, rather than a big city, and it is the only movie theater within a 40-minute drive, people’s expectations of the theater are different. They don’t want or expect something grand or flashy. What they want is a theater that feels homey and personal, something you’d find in a small town. As Andrea Lunsford asserts, “emotions can add real muscle to arguments” (Lunsford 98), and my emotional pull to the theater is the       main reason I go there.

In order to cultivate this emotional connection and pull, Showbiz Cinemas uses a variety of aspects to create a family atmosphere filled with comfort. This becomes immediately apparent as you drive up to the theater. Although it happens to be in the center of town, it is not on the main road, nor is it surrounded by other shopping centers. It’s bordered by country land with grass and trees that contribute to the small town, country feel that people want. Inside, the theater is small but quaint. Once you walk in, you are instantly in the main lobby. The walls of the theater are all painted a light blue, and as Giannetti declares, “cool colors…tend to suggest tranquility…and serenity” (Giannetti 22). Directly in front of you lies the concession stand that’s smells entice you to buy snacks for your movie. To the right of the entrance is an arcade that continually makes noise on its own in order to entice kids and the kids at heart to spend their money. To continue the family friendly feel, a Monsters University cardboard standee of Mike and Sully holding ID cards was in the entrance. One of the photos was missing, so that children could stand behind it and get their pictures taken. Further in, there was another standee of The Croods accompanied with vines and flowers hanging from the ceiling. These decorations serve to make the theater more personal, welcoming, and friendly. It might not be very sophisticated or high end, but again, that is not an audience they are trying to capture.

Showbiz also uses ethos to build their character. Above their concession stand hangs a big poster on the wall proclaiming, “The United Way of Hood County supports and thanks Showbiz Cinemas.” This immediately builds respect from moviegoer toward the theater because they support out local community and charities. This is further shown through the local advertisements running onscreen before he movie starts. Instead of showing adds for T-Mobile, AT&T, or some other corporate, nationwide company, the theater gets their support from the community. This creates a “quick and…irresistible connection between [the] audience” (Lunsford 44) and the theater. It produces an instant respect for the theater that otherwise wouldn’t have been there.

Furthermore, aspects of the theater use logos in an attempt to make the building amenable to the customer. Throughout the theater, the floors are stained concrete. Not only is this logical because in a theater many spills are bound to occur, but they also are aesthetically pleasing. In the theater rooms, the lights are also logically placed. In some theaters I’ve been in, the lights are too high up on the wall. Even though they dim them during the movie, they are unfortunately still distracting. To avoid this, Showbiz logically placed their dimming lights closer to the ground. They also placed lights underneath the step railings. This way the lights are not obtrusive or distracting to the eyes because they won’t shine upward, only downward. The theaters also have stadium seating, which is logically appealing because everyone in the audience will be able to see the screen.

Overall, the theater arguably uses the three appeals well in order to create an amenable environment and entice its customers. In using these, Showbiz created a small town, personal, family friendly atmosphere that supports the community. In doing so, they created connections between their customers and themselves that encourage customer loyalty. Ever since the theater opened when I was little, I have been attending it. When I walk through the door, past memories flood my mind and encourage me to come back. Because of this I gave the movie theater 3 out of 3 tickets. I hardly ever visit any other movie theater, and when I do, I constantly find myself comparing it to mine at home, even if mine's not as pretty or high end as the others.  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

West 7th Movie Tavern

               When I think of movie theaters, I think of popcorn, oversized soft drinks, and red velvet chairs.  However, I knew my latest movie-going experience would be slightly different.  The Movie Tavern franchise prides itself on being an elite, luxurious movie-going experience that just about anyone can afford.  Regardless, the fact that they depict several patrons in suits in some their advertisements was enough to make me wear a polo shirt and khaki pants when I went to this theater to see Jurassic Park 3D, just to be on the safe side.  This move turned out to be somewhat, though not blatantly, unnecessary.    Located on the corner of Currie and Crockett streets just south of West 7th Street, the Movie Tavern Fort Worth utilizes various appeals to pathos, logos, and ethos to draw in patrons of all backgrounds.  Most of these efforts prove successful, and I can only imagine what the place is like on a Saturday night during prime film season.  But on the other hand, there were a handful of things about my experience that make me wonder if the Movie Tavern franchise is a bit too ritzy for my liking.


                Approaching the theater, one cannot help but notice the big, bold message adorning the façade with the company slogan, “Movies Never Tasted So Good!”  That is a clear indication that this chain of theaters puts special emphasis on the food they serve and that it must get relatively good reviews.  The food is an example of both pathos and logos being used to draw in audience members.  They say that the path to a man’s heart is through his stomach, and sure enough, as I made my way up the escalators to the main level of the theater, I found myself surrounded by large images of what appeared to be very high-end cuisine.  This is an example of an appeal to pathos, and an extremely effective one at that, because a theater patron arriving in primetime would probably immediately feel pangs of hunger and a desire to try one of the depicted dishes in particular.  Now, I was not interested in spending extra money halfway between lunch and dinner, but I did look over the menu and I noticed several things.  Highly emphasized were mixed drinks and desserts, and prices seemed to correspond with who would be interested in buying the item.  The average mixed drink cost about $7.00-$8.00, indicating that these menu items were intended to be purchased by those with money to spare.   Dessert prices were much more reasonable, costing about $4.50-$5.25 each.  It appears that these items are more for the middle class couple on a date night or the average family trying to keep two children happy.  This is an appeal to logos because those who come in probably will come to realize that this is not a theater appealing to a niche market, but one whose aim is to incorporate the best of both worlds.  As far as appeals to emotion and logic are concerned, the marketing strategies utilized to sell food appear to be a success at Movie Tavern Fort Worth.

                The atmosphere that the franchise’s ownership group is looking to portray has a lot to do with the appeals to ethos and logos.  Again, the idea is to make the place appear quite ritzy without going over the top and making the average citizen like me feel out of place.  In some ways the effort is successful, but in other ways it is not.  I could not enter my respective theater until thirty minutes before the movie began.  That gave me time to sit just outside the bar and analyze the implications of the lobby’s various traits.  I remember thinking to myself that the company slogan leaves something to be desired; as though the assumption is that the food is really all that matters.  This is an example of a negative ethos being reflected on the company.  Another aspect of the layout of this particular theater might also have resulted in a minor flaw in the good ethos of the franchise.  The atmosphere of this place was very modern, indicative of the fact that this was a rather new building in a recently redeveloped part of downtown Fort Worth.  That is a good thing, but places we go to spend an enjoyable evening at require something else.  In my eyes, the place lacked some aspect of the “character” that we seek in public places.  The experience is about more than just sitting, eating, and watching, and I think that it is diminished in an atmosphere of dull colors and large windows making everything very bright (movies are meant to be shown where it at least feels like it’s dark outside).  I understand how opinionated this is, but there probably is no one proper interpretation of the character of a movie theater, just like there is not always a proper interpretation of a movie as Louis D. Giannetti claims in Chapter 10 of Understanding Movies (Giannetti, 403).  On the other hand, I think that I found something very positive while examining the lobby as well.  I think that the movies being shown have a lot to do with the impression that the theater leaves on its patrons, so it would be important for this establishment to show both the latest movies and a wide variety of movies.  Both of these traits are established through the use of a series of standees and movie posters. The fact that there is something for everyone at this theater is evident in a prominently displayed appeal to logos through an advertising standee for this summer’s children’s film Monsters University.  I deduced from this that the aim of displaying this in a very visible spot is to show that this theater is for children as well despite the wine glasses and other fixtures reserved for adults.  In the chapter on logos in Everything's an Argument, Andrea Lunsford mentions two types of hard evidence used in logical arguments.  This standee would fall under the category of artistic proofs (as opposed to unartistic proofs) because it is put up by the theater and appeals to reason and common sense by forming an enthymeme in the mind of the viewer (Lunsford 56).  That is: it's a standee for a children's movie + it is placed in a movie theater = this is not just a theater for adults.  Another thing that caught my eye was a trio of movie posters that reminded me of a Movie Tavern promotional that I had heard recently in which the franchise advertised “the latest movies” alongside “great food”.  The three posters advertising what might be this year’s most anticipated film: Catching Fire.  This provided a slight boost for the ethos of the place, as advertising a hit film half a year before its release is a pretty solid indicator that this is a first-run theater that will be very much alive at midnight on a certain date.  So while this overall structure might lack the “character” that I so often look for, a series of appeals at least partially makes up for any lapses in ethos that I observed while in the lobby.  No respect from me was lost at this point in my movie-going experience.

                The arrangement of the seats inside a movie theater can be linked to different appeals in different instances.  In this case, the seats in the theater are designed to enhance the experience by not being your typical “stadium seat,” and I must admit, the chairs were quite unlike any others I’ve sat in at various movie theaters.  Whether or not they were exceptionally comfortable is subject to interpretation, but I don’t think it makes a huge difference as to the general impact of such a seating arrangement.  What does matter, for one thing, is that this is not a come early, get the good seats kind of theater.  Rather, one receives a designated seat number on his or her ticket.  Since it was the mid-afternoon, attendance was not good for that showing of Jurassic Park 3D, so I was placed in the best row available: about halfway up the theater from the screen and in the middle of the row with a walkway just in front of it.  It was an ideal location for both the patron and the waiter who came by shortly before the film previews got under way.  The red button on your tray table used to call for service gives you a sense of power and control, making this an appeal to pathos and a relatively successful one.  For example, you don’t need to get up to go for popcorn; the popcorn will come to you.  That is the glory of the Movie Tavern experience.  At least, that’s what the franchise owners want you to believe.  For me, however, the idea of being waited on in my seat was an experience that did not live up to expectations.  Maybe things would have been different if it had been dinner time and I had ordered one of the specialty dishes, but alas I noticed three minor yet evident shortfalls.  All of these things have to do with appeals to ethos and all are linked to the serving of food inside the theater.  First of all, I don’t think the theater ever got as dark as an ordinary theater would, probably due to the need for waiters to move around and audience members to see their food.  Regardless of whether or not my eyes were mistaken in this, there were several points during the film in which a waiter passed in front of us, which I naturally thought was poor for a theater of this prestige.  Lastly, I am not sure whether the start of the movie was delayed or not to accommodate the wait staff (I was not wearing a watch), but if it was, then one must consider rethinking the process of the operation.  All these shortfalls, though minor, have a major impact on the ethos of that particular theater and the franchise in the minds of specific patrons.  In my book, all this, combined with the lack of character to the structure of this theater, will drop this place’s rating from three tickets to two.
                The concept of the Movie Tavern franchise is one that has a lot of promise, but one that definitely takes some getting used to.  I would not be opposed to going back to the corner of Currie and Crockett streets to try some of the food while watching one of the latest movies.  The experience probably would leave me with a different initial feel for the place, but I also can safely assume that it would not leave me too much happier than the traditional theaters that I am used to attending back home in the upper Midwest.  You can call me a harsh critic if you want, but, all things considered as far as ethos, pathos, and logos are concerned, Movie Tavern Fort Worth receives two tickets from me.

The High Rise of Movie Theaters: The West 7th Movie Tavern (could not get video to embed)

As movie production gradually evolved, so, too, has the movie theater experience. The Movie Tavern located on West 7th Street in Fort Worth, Texas is no exception. While located just outside of downtown Fort Worth, this Movie Tavern offers a great alternative to the more expensive theaters located in the downtown area. After watching a couple of movie showings at the Movie Tavern, I have come to better understand some of the tactics that the movie theater uses to attract movie goers. On top of its advertising strategies, Movie Tavern effectively creates an inviting atmosphere, with appealing services, and a convenient location.

                One thing that I truly appreciate about Movie Tavern are the ticket prices. For college students with an active school ID, any non-3D film is about $7.00. For regular weekday evening showings, ticket prices are around $8.00. Getting together with a group of friends to go see a movie is a common occurrence for myself; however, it can be costly, depending on what theater we choose to attend. So anytime a theater offers modest ticket pricing, it instantly becomes a favorite. Another strategy that Movie Tavern uses to attract customers are, of course, the full food menu. Aside from the traditional popcorn and a drink, movie goers can order anything from a burger and fries to a quesadilla and a margarita. This feature can be extremely convenient if you do not have time to eat dinner at a separate location. I also find their food options to be fairly tasty, as well.

     As you can see from the photographs that provided, the Movie Tavern is located in a recently created complex just off of West 7th street. The building complex has a free parking garage located right next to the theater as well as direct access to the movie theater’s lobby on the third floor of the garage. In the lobby of the theater, they conveniently placed a bar for early arrivals to purchase drinks or even food items that they can bring with them into the movie. Otherwise, food purchasers can order from within the theater, which is equally convenient. The lobby of the Movie Tavern is decorated with movie posters from current movies, as well as classics, such as King Kong, which provides a very authentic feel to the theater.

                The individual movie theaters that the Movie Tavern offers are slightly different from traditional theaters. The setup was created so that their staff can easily navigate each row and take orders, while the lights are out and the movie is in progress. Rather than try and pack as many seats into one theater as possible, the Movie Tavern offers a more limited seating option by using bigger, more “sofa-esque” seats.

                In addition, Movie Tavern really tries to sell its food capabilities to potential customers, with their slogan stating “Movies Never Tasted So Good.” Food can be a very powerful appeal to customers. As Lunsford states in Everything’s an Argument, “you already know that words, images, and sounds can arouse emotions. In fact, the stirrings they generate are often physical” (40). From the time you walk into the Movie Tavern, to the point when you are handed a menu as you walk into the movie, and even on into the opening previews, the Movie Tavern is trying to sell you their food. On several occasions, I have found myself walking into the Movie Tavern, having just eaten dinner, and yet being persuaded that I should get some more food while there. As you can see from the video that I have provided, the Movie Tavern shows you these images of all these people having a great time, while enjoying the food with the movie. Envy, alone, will make you want to order something to eat.

The main way that Movie Tavern makes it practical to go to their theater is by providing a nice, clean theater, with comfortable seating and food to accompany it. Similarly to how Lunsford states that, “sometimes enthymemes are so obvious that readers don’t realize that they’re drawing inferences when they agree with them” (86). The Movie Tavern sets up their customers with reasons to attend their theater, such as lower ticket prices and restaurant style menus, which makes the choice of what movie theater to attend easier.

It can be odd to think about how a movie theater can be seen as credible in the minds of their customers, but the Movie Tavern accomplishes this feat in one large way. Their staff does a fantastic job of serving the needs of their customers. Not only is the staff friendly, but they also do a very good job of providing their services in a timely manner. In May of 2012, I saw the Avengers midnight premiere at the West 7th Movie Tavern. The entire place was brimming with people. I thought that ordering food was going to be impossible and that it was going to take an extremely long amount of time. Much to my satisfaction, I was wrong. I know its cliché, but the little things are what really matter when it comes to business credibility, and the Movie Tavern does an excellent job of accomplishing this task.

Since coming to Fort Worth, I have been to many different movie theaters around town and I can easily say that the Movie Tavern on West 7th street is my favorite. The combination of a convenient location, affordable pricing, great customer service, and, of course, food, make it a wonderful place to see any movie that you have an interest in. I look forward to experiencing more movies at their theater, hopefully Iron Man 3, and I would highly recommend Movie Tavern to anyone.

Hulen Movie Tavern

When I was a kid, seeing a movie was a totally different experience than it is today. My town had one movie theater and the tickets were $2.50 for adults and free for kids. They only served popcorn, hotdogs, and candy while only offering a few movies at a time. Now the screens are bigger, stadiums are larger, and the movie going experience is remarkably better. With the new impressive features of modern day movie theaters, the Movie Tavern franchise decide to go above and beyond what is expected of the theater. The Hulen Movie Tavern in Fort Worth offers dinner, drinks and the latest blockbuster all at once. Movie Tavern is trying to make the movies much more than a place you hang out as a teenager on a Friday night. It’s targeting a new audience and promising a new experience. You can now enjoy cocktails (Patron Margaritas for $8, where else can you find that?) and a full-fledged menu of options to eat while you enjoy a movie.

When you walk in, the first thing you notice is the bar. The presence of the bar helps defend the argument that Movie Tavern is a different kind of movie going experience. The popcorn machines aren’t visible and the whole entryway smells like a restaurant that doesn’t sell cheap hotdogs. It was a refreshing change. Upon arrival, I noticed that the movie times I saw online didn’t reflect the theater’s actual times. I ended up having to see a different movie ten minutes after it already started. The woman at the ticket booth apologized and recommended a different movie for me to see. Luckily her recommendation was great and I enjoyed the movie. Though it was frustrating, that’s part of the movie going experience; showings are canceled and sold out all the time. Aside from this, my experience at Hulen Movie Tavern was great.

The full menu and bar appeal to logos. Now, the idea of going to dinner and a movie can be done at one place for much less than you would pay at a restaurant and another upscale theater. Because I went to see the movie during the day, the matinee price was only $6.25 which is a bargain compared to the $11.50 it would have been had I chosen a movie that started an hour after mine. Hulen Movie Tavern is also a close distance to the university, making it convenient for TCU students. I don’t know about other theaters in Fort Worth, but the theaters in my hometown have the most ridiculous parking situations, making it very difficult to find a parking spot. Even though the Hulen Movie Tavern is located in very close proximity to the Hulen Mall, parking was set aside for the theater, making parking effortless. Though parking isn’t the main factor in going to see a movie, it is a factor.

Choosing the Movie Tavern franchise over AMC or Cinemark theaters was an easy choice. Movie Tavern offers several locations throughout Fort Worth making it easy to grab a bite to eat and watch a movie at the same time. For this reason, Movie Tavern has always had a positive ethos in my opinion.  The Hulen Movie Tavern in Fort Worth offered a good selection of movies to choose from when normally theaters of the same size only offer about half the amount. This combined with stadium seating and large theaters gives Movie Tavern their positive reputation. They also have certain movies available before other theaters do. During the previews, Hulen Movie Tavern advertised a 10:00 pm showing on April 11, 2013 of the new movie “42” about Jackie Robinson. This movie won’t be seen in most theaters for several days. This is an added bonus to the theater and proves that nationally, the Movie Tavern reputation is great enough to reward them with movie premieres before other theaters. Lunsford would agree when she says: “Credibility speaks to honesty, respect for an audience and its values, and plain old likeability” (Lunsford 59). They were able to sell moviegoers on the movie and provide customers with an opportunity to see it before their friends.

The theater gave moviegoers many reasons to come back. The leather seats were large and comfortable, offering a side table to place your food and drinks on. This is much more convenient than your average cup holders. The seats were also a decent distance from one another. Not only was there more legroom but you are also not as close to the person next to you (which is good when you’re sitting next to a stranger that talks or texts the whole time). The theater was also impeccably clean. I didn’t see a single kernel of popcorn on the floor at all. Most importantly, the staff was friendly. Because this is a restaurant within a movie theater, each area is assigned a waiter or waitress. My waitress was very friendly, offering me refills without me having to push the little blue button on my seat. As Andrea Lunsford says in Everything’s an Argument, “we all make decisions based on our feelings” (Lunsford 30.) Because of these reasons, I will definitely return to Hulen Movie Tavern again.

Overall, I enjoyed my experience at the Hulen Movie Tavern. Every aspect of the theater convinced me to return to a Movie Tavern theater and most likely this same location again. I would give this theater 3 out of 3 tickets for exceeding every standard I would expect to be met an upscale movie theater.

Rave Motion Pictures at Ridgmar

              I think I speak for almost everyone when I say that a movie theater can make or break my movie-viewing experience. From the moment you start to approach the theater and see all of the “coming soon” posters illuminated, a vibe is set. Despite being set in a shopping mall, the Rave Motion Pictures Theater at Ridgmar still manages to do a great job setting the right mood for me to see a movie, and then manages to make the experience thoroughly enjoyable in every way. And seeing as "we all make decisions based on our feelings," I knew I was in for a treat (Lunsford, 30).
               From the second I get out of my car every time I go here, I am excited. The giant “Rave Motion Pictures” sign just gets me pumped - Especially the “raveXtreme” part. The theater does a great job of employing ethos here by stamping it with the “raveXtreme” stamp, because that means it is home to the larger, higher quality theaters with bigger screens and more speakers. Also, bigger makes the mind think better, so waita employ that logos too Rave!

               Once I reach the inside of the mall, I forget I am in a mall. Since it is put in the corner, there is only one hallway that leads to the actual mall which I do not even notice because of the huge presentation thrown in my face (I am not complaining). The huge “R” helps to establish the brand of Rave, so once again, you know what you are getting. The theme of everything being huge continues, and now neon lights are thrown into the mix, making me feel more and more excited (pathos). It also establishes itself as a movie theatre, with lots of “coming soon” posters. Time to buy my ticket.

An abandoned counter in the back

               After buying my ticket for Jurassic Park 3D, I head inside and am immediately greeted by the manager with a huge smile. Good move Mr. Manager. I feel very welcome via his hospitality (pathos). I was a bit too excited to see the movie (really I was 20 minutes late, but it was empty so its okay) to snap a picture of the snack counter, but it was the epitome of rhetorical devices (stupid me). In bright lights and vivid pictures raised behind the counter were all of the snack selections. They had all the staples, from popcorn, to hot dogs, to nachos (establishing trust via logos. If they didn't have these things I would be concerned). The smell was heavenly, and I was starving. All the different candies were laid out and illuminated in front of me as well. I decided to settle with some popcorn, because they have all those seasonings for free for them here. I chose to mix white cheddar and ranch.

               After getting my popcorn, I rush to my seat. Luckily, despite being almost 30 minutes late, I have only missed about five minutes of the movie (thank you previews). They have put this movie in their largest, nicest, “raveXtreme” theatre, as denoted above the door to get inside. They are really pushing the ethos here, and it is working. When I sit down, I let out a sigh of pure ecstasy due to the plush, reclining leather seats. I could sit in one of these things all day. Great job making me feel comfortable (pathos). I was immediately immersed in the film. The speakers made me feel like I was actually in Jurassic Park, and at times that the T-Rex was right next to me or behind me. The theatre has stadium seating which makes pretty much any seat in the house a good one, and once again, makes me feel more comfortable, as I don’t have to strain my eyes. The theatre is decorated simply, and tastefully, so as not to distract the viewer either. Once the movie ends, I head out, though it is hard to get up from the comfortable seat.

               Upon exiting the theatre, I notice large cutouts that I had not before in my rush. Major ethos is being applied here, with movie stars like Will Smith looking at you larger than life. Once I exit the rows of theatres I make it back into the lobby. My friend and I are lured over to the arcade on the way out (intentional placement?) by all of its bells and whistles. We feel like kids again and have to play (pathos). We play a few games, and then leave.
               Overall, I must say I thoroughly enjoyed my experience. From the happy staff, to the spotless facilities and the beautiful lights in your face in the lobby, this place does everything it can to put you in the movie watching mood. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants a premium cinematic experience in Fort Worth. So, I am definitely giving this three out of three tickets for its awesomeness.

Until next time guys,