Rhetoric of Space

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Taylor Dennis ~ Jennifer Aniston

Taylor Dennis
Blog 3
Jennifer Aniston
            In 2012, Jennifer Aniston was on Chelsea Lately and interviewed by long time friend, Chelsea Handler. Chelsea Handler is known for her humorous and prying interview style. She rarely holds back her comments and regularly asks the sometimes inappropriate questions the public is dying to hear. This interview is especially entertaining and interesting as Aniston and Handler close friends outside of the Hollywood bubble.
When being interviewed by Handler, I felt as if she was more relaxed and sassy right away. The way they spoke to each other felt like a conversation they would legitimately have as friends and not as if a stranger was prying into her life. Being interviewed by a close friend made the interview much more genuine and funny. Handler also conducts the interview in a way to promote the movie itself. Some main topics in most of Aniston’s interviews are; “are you married yet? Is David ever going to propose? Are you finally pregnant?”. The public is obsessed with when the golden girl of 90’s sitcom is finally going to get married and have the family we are all dying to see. Handler stayed away from all of these topics and only focused on her role in an upcoming film. This may have been stated ahead of time as a topic to not be discussed or as respect to her dear friend. Either way, friendship is not usually a factor in the interview process. I think that Handler was more reserved in her comments because of the friendship they had. If this interview was done by E! News or Ellen, I am sure the topic of her love life would have come up.  
            In this interview, Jennifer Aniston is promoting her new movie, Horrible Bosses. Unlike many other films in which Aniston has stared in, her character in Horrible Bosses is very unique. Aniston plays the “slutty” dentist who is always in promiscuous situations and making her assistant extremely uncomfortable. In the interview, she tells Handler all about her experience playing such a different character than her staple part, Rachel, in the hit sitcom Friends. So many people watched Friends for over ten years and became attached to Rachel and the character Aniston played. No matter how long it has been since the show had its final season, Aniston will always be Rachel to so many people. I think in this interview, Aniston wants to show audiences that she can play a more risqué character that is different than the way we normally see her. Aniston always has the persona of the easy, breezy, girl next door. She is never in the center of scandals, unless it pertains to a current boyfriend, and always rocks her signature blonde hair. By playing such a different role, Aniston showed a side of herself that we have not previously seen.
            The main purpose of this interview was to show Jennifer’s funny side and how that is coming out in her new film. The interview was very light hearted and did not dive into any deep topics. It show cased the person Aniston would be portraying in the upcoming film without focusing on anything else going on in her life. I think that appearing on the Chelsea Lately show was very fitting for the type of humorous and risqué movie that she was in fact staring in!



  1. Jennifer Aniston is one of my favorite actresses. I love that the interview mentioned that this role in horrible bosses was outside of her type casting role. She always plays the girlfriend or wife character and in Horrible bosses it is so outside the box. I love to hear that Jennifer Aniston is very personable while being interviewed because I believe it makes her more loved and respected.

  2. Jennifer Aniston is one of my favorite actresses. I love that the interview mentioned that this role in horrible bosses was outside of her type casting role. She always plays the girlfriend or wife character and in Horrible bosses it is so outside the box. I love to hear that Jennifer Aniston is very personable while being interviewed because I believe it makes her more loved and respected.

  3. I love how Jennifer is portrayed in this interview. From the start she comes across as Chelsea's friend, talking about butt dials and overall putting the audience at ease. The well known actresses typecast is addressed and the fact that "horrible bosses" is so far from her usual typecast is shown, adding credibility to her acting career outside of the mom and wife role he usually plays. I agree with Vicky that this interview makes Jennifer even more loved than before because she really take a hold of the personality traits her fans adore
