Rhetoric of Space

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sandra Bullock - Blog 3

            I chose an interview conducted with Sandra Bullock regarding her role as Leigh Anne Tuohy in The Blind Side.  Leigh Anne Tuohy’s character exemplified the most selfless, caring person and needed an actress to fulfill these traits above and beyond.  Sandra Bullock did just so and completely captured the hearts of the audience by becoming Leigh Anne Tuohy in the movie.
            This interview remained around the topic of the movie entirely with a slight deviation towards the end for just a minute, speaking of her husband and his work.  I believe the main idea of the interview was to fully understand the task of becoming Leigh Anne Tuohy and understanding what emotions were required to become this character.  The interviewer said several times about how great of a role it was and how heart wrenching the movie was because of its accuracy.  The questions asked revolved around the impact of the movie and the character on Sandra Bullock herself, as well as the audience. The interviewer specifically says how she always believed Sandra Bullock was a “dynamo” and had great energy. I believe Sandra Bullock wanted to remain selfless and humble in the interview while the interviewer praised the work of Bullock as a whole and especially in the movie.  Sandra Bullock repeated several times how she did not know how she was going to fill the shoes of Leigh Anne Tuohy because she did not understand how Leigh Anne was how she was.  Sandra said how she would not have let what happened happen personally but was amazed that Leigh Anne Tuohy was able to. I have always viewed Sandra Bullock as an energetic and sincere actress. This interview concreted my view of her as a wonderful actress.  Her sincerity throughout the interview amazed me.  The tone of her voice while she spoke about the real people of Michael Oher and Leigh Anne Tuohy exemplified her love and passion of the actual story and making the movie real.  From the interview I could really tell Sandra was thankful she took on this role after saying “no” several times before agreeing to the job. The passion in her face as she spoke of the steps to learning how to be Leigh Anne Tuohy spoke wonders of Sandra Bullock as an actress.  She did not simply put half of her effort into this movie, but as she said, she spent her entire self on the movie and walked away knowing she spent herself. She explained that as she walked away she did not know if she did enough but she knew she at the very least spent herself. 

            The Blind Side exemplifies a magnificent true story and the passion from the actors really added to the movie as a whole.  Sandra Bullock’s energy far surpassed all expectations of her character.  Her passion for the story was greatly exemplified throughout the entire story and how she portrayed herself as Leigh Anne Tuohy.  This interview portrays Sandra Bullock as the great woman and actress she is.  

The interview: 

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