Rhetoric of Space

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Jennifer Lawrence Blog 3

Blog 3: Jennifer Lawrence

            Jennifer Lawrence is Hollywood’s “it girl” for here recent appearances as Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games film series. She always looks fabulous to the public eye, whether she’s making late night appearances in shows like Late Night and the Tonight Show, tackling the runway for one of her blockbuster films, or participating in interviews early in the morning on Good Morning America – like she is in the interview I chose to analyze. It is really hard to stop this girl on fire!

            In this particular interview, she is promoting the second installment of the Hunger Games series – Catching Fire. She sits down with Robin Roberts to discuss her recent life, and obviously the main goal for her is to promote her film. To do that however, Jennifer Lawrence needs to maintain her down-to-earth appearance to continue to appeal her fans. She talks about her decision making process when she was offered the role of Katniss, her recent trips to the emergency room, how it feels to be on set of the Hunger Games, and her view of cyber bullying. Each time when she spoke or answered a question of Robin Robert’s, she seemed very wholesome and unvarying, making her an easy person to relate to. Jennifer wants to be viewed as her ‘regular old self’. She is very relatable for most teenagers across the United States. For example, when asked about her workout/diet regimen on the red carpet Jennifer is quoted as saying, “You know they say that nothing tastes as good as skinny feels. I can think of a lot of things that taste better than skinny feels – potatoes, bread, a philly cheesesteak and fries…” So many teenagers today are obsessed with dieting and exercise, and sometimes harsh or extreme ways to loose weight. Jennifer is sending a message that what you eat doesn’t define you. She maintains that relatable image in this interview. My view of her remains the same: quirky, fun –loving, and wholesome.

            Robin asks questions that really help Jennifer open up to her about her experience of set and with her life in general. She tells Jennifer positive things her co-workers have said about her is past interviews that brought up some fond memories of playing with her cast mates. The questions Robin is asking are geared firstly to speak about the movie, and secondly to talk about Jennifer’s private life that has been made public. With questions about her private life, it is up to her to generate a response that helps them seem how they want to seem – they are on their own. Jennifer does an excellent job of keeping her genuine side out in the open.

            The main takeaway for me was that Jennifer Lawrence loves what she gets to do in life. She is genuinely happy, and uses her pull in the media to speak about issues she thinks are important. She loves her cast mates, and altogether loves her job of being an actress. The thesis for this interview for me was: “Yes, I am the girl on fire, and I’m just like you!”



  1. Good post Mary Kathryn. I've always heard that Jennifer Lawrence is incredibly down to earth, and I'm glad that this interview confirmed that.

  2. I love how this interview and your analysis capture who she really is! She seems like one of the few celebrities out there that has a good head on her shoulders.

  3. She really is such an amazing role model especially for Hollywoods standards. She always seems like a real and down to earth person who we would all probably love even if she wasn't famous. Personally, my favorite moment was when she fell down the stairs at the Oscars. Such a relatable person!
