Rhetoric of Space

Friday, March 20, 2015

Blog 3: Jennifer Lawrence


As a young actress thrown into the spotlight, Jennifer Lawrence does all she can to stay relatable in the face of a lifestyle that has turned many a teenager from the girl next door into a grown woman shoved into the body of a 16 year old. In this interview Jennifer Lawrence strives to accentuate that despite her fame and fortune this is, in fact, just a job. Despite the new lifestyle that she so firmly renounces Jennifer puts all of her hardships aside and manages to cling on to the spark of her innocence and youth. In the first movie I had seen of hers, Silver Linings Playbook, she was portrayed as a widow who, in the aftermath of such a great loss, had been suffering major psychological issues. She was a lot of things in this movie but a child was definitely not one of them. In the next movie I saw that she starred in, The Hunger Games, I saw a completely different side of her. She was a young teen put in a hard position and was forced to grow up entirely too fast. The second film captures Jennifer’s “real” personality in a completely different way than the first and much more closely parallels the life she strives for her fans to see her living; although in a much different setting. The interviewer refers to her “refreshing self image” in more than one way throughout the interview, further solidifying the audience’s opinion of the young star. With no loaded questions or set ups for disaster, the interviewer came across as an old friend rather than an attacker or enemy as has been seen in some of the interviews we have seen of actresses like Angelina Jolie. With Jennifer in, what she refers to as, the “peak of her career” it makes a lot of sense that people wouldn’t be trying to portray her in a negative way. The starlet has almost a cult like fan following of teenagers and young adults that feed off her charismatic energy and the similarities they see when they look in the mirror. Jennifer refers to herself being “star struck” not once but twice throughout the seven minute interview along with references to feeling “lost in school” and “stupid,” this interview doesn’t go 20 seconds without a reminder that despite the different lifestyles, we shouldn’t forget that she’s just like us. After analyzing this interview the main idea isn’t something you really have to dig for. The interviewer and interviewee make a dream team when portraying Jennifer Lawrence as your sweet neighbor down the street. The viewers get insights into her childhood and get to view intimate clips of the beginning of her acting days when Bradley Cooper and Meryl Streep are names that she wouldn’t even recognize and all she wanted was the attention of her father while she put on skits in the home office. After this interview viewers see Jennifer exactly as she wanted it. A girl more like yourself than anyone you see on the big screen, a girl fresh out of her teens who would rather sit at home on a Friday night than go to big movie premiers, and who still strives for nothing more than to make her parents proud.

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