Rhetoric of Space

Thursday, February 19, 2015

The Great Gatsby: Blog 2

         The Great Gatsby is a film centered around the life of James Gatz, known throughout the movie as “Gatsby.” After a thorough analysis into the movie I had to give it a bleak two on the rep test. With a strong masculine lead role this film fails to earn its six points for having a women (and of color or over 45) lead role; in fact there are no named colored women whatsoever, making the Great Gatsby lose out on another potential area to earn points. As endearing as Daisy was throughout the movie and as much of a statement it made that she would dare cheat on her adulterous husband in the twenties she still is not the embodiment of female power that the movie would have you feel she was. When it comes down to it she was hardly more that a sexual object pulled back and forth between her two lovers, not showing depth whatsoever into the inner workings of her mind. Making her the epitome of a women only on screen for the male gaze. Hardly any conversation between the women holds any depth and they definitely don’t stray from talking about their male counterparts. This film glorifies male violence through fighting scenes and death though fortunately showing men with realistic body expectations, although that could be contributed to the fact that the men felt as if they didn’t need to impress the women with anything except their money and lack of regard for their well being. Although the basis for not showing all ideal body images on men may not be a good one, this earned the film two points. The film doesn’t contain any prominent black roles or show a man in a non-stereotypical role. If anything this movie embodies the male stereotypes; showing all main male characters as short tempered, misogynistic, and overall perfect embodiments of negative male stereotypes. This film shows every cultural stereotype from the roaring twenties imaginable and doesn’t include any lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender people making weather they are stereotyped a moot point. The only disability of the protagonist is an unhealthy obsession with a married woman he calls “love” and a possible alcohol and drug problem.

Although when looking at the rep test analysis you would think this film should be taken out of production in reality it is one of my favorites. Looking at only the score sheet provided there are hardly any upsides to this movie but when viewed it is simply jaw dropping. From the actors to the settings the viewer is infatuated from the very beginning. You fall in love with ditzy Daisy just simply by seeing the effect she has on Gatsby and your heart strings are tugged when you see the end of our dysfunctional protagonist. Movies should be judged much more off of viewer feelings than a checklist of pros and cons because movies are art and when art is oversimplified the magic behind it all is lost. All check boxes aside the majority would agree this is an amazing film.

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