Rhetoric of Space

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Finding Nemo's Lesson

Finding Nemo is a movie about a little fish who is raised by his father because his mother was killed by a killer fish. Nemo's father is very protective, but Nemo rebelled against him one day at school and ends up getting taken by a boat. Nemo's father searches all ends of the ocean to find him in the hardest of circumstances because his love for him is so strong. The lesson in this movie is to teach kids to appreciate home and their parents or specifically their fathers because their love for us is strong. This lesson appeals to the audience emotionally by seeing how strong Nemo's father's love for him is and how much Nemo struggles without his father. This movie is for a wide age range of people but it specifically teaches a lesson to sons and daughters. The argument was effective emotionally by showing how important a bond is between people and their children. Another lesson which could be aimed towards men is to show them that their involvement in their kid's lives is very crucial in the process of raising a family. This applies logically by showing how involved Nemo's father has to be because his wife is gone. It also applies emotionally because Nemo's father loves Nemo with all of his heart and basically lives for him. With this being said, on the contrary, the message could be problematic because not all people have fathers. There are actually more children without fathers than mothers. It could also be problematic because Nemo's father is very protective and could possibly be considered over protective. One could interpret that as the reason behind Nemo rebelling and getting into a lot of trouble. According to Understanding Movies, this could give parents in the audience an ideology that the creators of the movie are saying that being protective of your children pushes them away. Also, according to Everything's an Argument, not including a mother in the movie may be feminism. I give this movie in the lesson department a 2 because it has a cute and emotional message about a boy fish and his father, but it portrays his father as over protective making parents and kids question the others motives.
Another lesson in this movie is about friendship. Along the way, Nemo's father makes a friend along the way. Her name is Dory and though she gets them into some trouble, she is an extremely loyal friend. She helps Nemo's father find him and helps him go all the way to Sydney, Australia to get Nemo from the Dentist's office. This message is relevant to people of all ages. There are people in life that can get on your nerves but they may be really great people on the inside and more importantly a great friend. Dory also has an issue which is short term memory loss. This is problematic because in a way it makes fun of people with disabilities. Because Dory gets them into a lot of trouble, it can mean that her disability slows down Nemo's father in the process of finding his son. There are specific parts where she spells easy words incorrectly in order to poke fun at her. It is general humorous but can come across as offensive if taken the wrong way. Everything's an argument might also go as far as to say this is a feminist ideology because Dory is a female and is bad with directions. Parts of the movie poke fun at stereotypical flaws that women have. I give this movie in the lesson department a 2 because it has a cute and emotional message about a boy fish and his father, but it portrays his father as over protective making parents and kids question the others motives. It also shows Dory as a great friend but can make fun of people with short term memory or other special needs.

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