Rhetoric of Space

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bond, James Bond

Title: GoldenEye
Genre: Action | Crime | Thriller
Starring: Pierce Brosnan, Sean Bean, Izabella Scorupco


I chose to look at the film, GoldenEye. It is a James Bond sequel and carries the same theme as the rest of his movies. As I’m sure you’re aware, Bond movies are always very fast-paced, action packed films. This type of movie requires some pretty sweet goods, which explains why they chose the Aston Martin to be the vehicle of choice for Mr. Bond.  The Aston Martin portrays the image of success, but with the added luxury of it being intensely fast and sporty, unlike that of a Rolls Royce, for example. This is the same way we look at Bond and the exact image his movies attempt to portray; the idea that Mr. Bond is the image of success, but is also sleek, quick, and responsive.
 To ask whether or not this product placement helped out either Aston Martin or the movie is quite obvious to me. Of course it did! For GoldenEye, to have this vehicle in the movie is perfect. The entire goal of this film is to catch the viewer’s eyes and create not only a sense of suspense, but a feeling of lust as well. When viewers watch this movie, one goal of this movie is to make them want the life of Bond, and with that life comes a pretty great Aston Martin.
            This is not only a great deal for GoldenEye, but also a great deal for Aston Martin. When we watch any of the Bond movies, our first impression of him is of a badass. To have a “badass” associated with your company is rarely a bad deal, and I imagine would yield a large increase in interest for the firm. Aston Martin gets a positive outlook here as well as the protagonist uses it. While Ferrari is also conveniently placed in this film, it is driven by the antagonist and may potentially give off a negative connotation to viewers.
            I give this product placement a score of 3 director’s cuts as I feel this is the perfect combination for both the movie and the automaker. Unfortunately, Ferrari gets the short end of the stick here, but for Aston Martin I feel the match is sublime.


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