Rhetoric of Space

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Pinocchio and his Messages

            Pinocchio’s positive messages are stronger than the problematic message. But the problematic message it’s also very attractive and believable for children. It is even how the story really begins. When Jimmy Cricket starts telling the story about how one day he actually perceived how a magic wish came true. Mister Geppetto one night saw a king star and decided to make a wish, of converting Pinocchio into a real boy, the same night the Blue Fairy came and make the wish come true. This message it could be both a positive and a negative message, but since the main audience are children, and most children’s at that age do believe in fairies they could assume that by just making a wish when they saw a big star in the sky it automatically would came true. On the other hand, that message could be also positive since it is also telling the children that if you really wish for your dream it could came true.

At the same time there are several positive messages throughout the whole movie. The main one is to always tell the truth, because good boys tell the truth. Like in the scene where Pinocchio was captured and was in a cage and the Blue Fairy appears and he start lying about what happen telling the Fairy that they were captured by two monsters instead of telling her that he actually disobeyed Cricket. Every time he lies his nose becomes bigger and bigger, so the Fairy tells him that to be a good boy and to become a real boy he needs to start telling the truth. So this message it is positive since is telling the children that lying is a bad thing and that good boys do not lie. As in Everything’s and Argument says, “You may sometimes want to use emotions to connect with readers to assure them that you understand their experiences.” (Lunsford, 51) Since this is a children movie the director even made Pinocchio crying in this scene so the children can relate even more to Pinocchio when he is afraid.
Another great message is at the beginning of the movie when the Blue Fairy converts Pinocchio into life, but tells him that he could one day become a real boy only if he is brave, truthful, and unselfish. So at the end when he actually has been brave, truthful, and unselfish he actually becomes a real boy instead of a wood boy. Therefore, this message could make the children’s realize that if they are brave, truthful, and unselfish good things can happen to them and also by fulfilling all the three characteristics they are being good boys.

Additionally, another cliché message is to obey older people and to be good boys. The two times that Pinocchio disobey to Cricket bad things happened to him. Cricket was always telling to Pinocchio that the world is full of temptations and you need to reject the temptations and follow and do what it is right.  Like the first time that Honest John convinces Pinocchio to become famous instead of going to school he ended up inside a cage. Cricket even tells Pinocchio to get away from Honest John since he is one of those temptations. I thing the director even choose to call him “Honest” John so children can even see that the temptations are not always easy to catch and figure out, since by his name actually being “Honest” John they can see that he actually wasn’t that honest. Also the second time that Pinocchio lives with Honest John and lives with the children that have been bad he ended up with two donkey ears and a donkey tail. This is a message for the children make them see that being a bad children is not cool or good, if you are being a bad kid nothing would end well.

In conclusion, Pinocchio gives several positive messages like, to be a good kid, to be honest, brave and unselfish, and to obey the older people. Since the audience is mainly children I think this movie gives several great messages to them, and since the story is based on a children it is easier for them to relate to Pinocchio than to any other character. Since I gives great positive messages I will give the movie five slurpees. 

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