Rhetoric of Space

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Monster's University: Behind the Scenes

Monster’s University: Behind the Scenes
         Who in their childhood was not afraid of the dark or the monster that was in their room? That would be no one. Even the boys in fourth grade who had the spiked hair, sweet embroidered, leather wristband, and newest edition of Street Fighter could not say they were not afraid of the dark (I was, unfortunately, that kid). It’s ok, I got over it… eventually. These memories remind of Disney’s Pixar film Monster’s Inc. But, to our enjoyment, was a sequel named Monster’s University that tells the story before “Sully” and Mike Wasowski were best buds and thrived in the scaring
 business. I will discuss the REAL message portrayed in this movie that children probably would not have caught, besides the fact of waiting up all night for his or her monster to walk into their room…            Monster’s University tells the entertaining story of the college life of monsters before they became professionals in the scaring business. The joke playing, pranking lifestyle is truly evident in this movie. But I do believe that children can really take a life lesson away from this movie. At the beginning of the movie, Mike and “Sully” struggle to cooperate as friends because Mike is not the scariest of monsters and “Sully” is one heck of a monster and just what the scare program is looking for. Unfortunately, an accident occurs that ousts Mike and “Sully” from the scare program. But fear not, there is hope for these two creatures. The Scare Games. The Scare Games allow fraternities to show their skills and prove they are the scariest monsters on campus. But Mike and Sully have to join a fraternity that is not exactly the most popular. In fact, they are not scary at all. This brings to my next point in what I believe is the lesson that children can learn from this movie.
            During these challenges, Mike, Sully, and the rather not scary fraternity work together and use their individual skills to win many competitions. This is what I believe to be the implied message for children watching this film. Even though you may not be the scariest, most talented, or even the most popular kid on the block, if you work together and use teamwork, anything is possible. And it definitely shows in this movie. For example, in one particular scene, it is showing how the team is learning and using their skills to work together to win an event, in unison. As it says in Everything’s An Argument, “Some of the assumptions in an argument will be based on shared values derived from culture and history” (pg. 87). This quote basically shows that if it is implied, it is obvious, depending on the culture you grow up in. Though they may be different, they work together to win the event. This is where logos comes into play, showing that it is obvious if you work together, anything is possible. I think that is the lesson children most likely could learn. It is about teamwork! There is no “I” in team, duh. That would be incorrect spelling, everyone knows that. Thus, this enhances cooperation amongst a group or team and brings them closer together, which is a lesson I think children should learn at a young age. But, in the minds of adults and college students, what were the other messages that young children may not have caught? Plot twist! Let me explain…
            As I mentioned in the paragraph above, the fraternity that Mike and Sully joined was not very popular and not sought after. But what I, as an adult, caught right off the bat was that this fraternity was automatically, socially denied right from the get-go. They were ridiculed because of who they were, how they looked, and their lack of “cool status.” That, my friends, is a hasty generalization and profiling. Looking at someone and automatically judging them based on looks and or social status is definitely evident. In my opinion, that is uncalled for and immature. No one should be frowned upon just because of what you hear from other people or how they look. No. Not cool, bro. In my opinion, I do not believe children would have caught this message, and it is ok. This is cool because this fraternity definitely shows their uniqueness and thus works together to accomplish many events. But I digress. Profiling is unacceptable. Period. If you do not know someone, go up and talk to them and get to know the REAL person they are. Do not just judge on spot. Again, not cool.
 (+ 2 slurpees. I still can't figure this out...)
            In conclusion, Monster’s University does have a great-implied message for children. That is, if you work together, despite social status or popularity, you can accomplish many things. Although, the judging and profiling crap is not so implied, but is evident to older adults. All in all, this was a fantastic movie and had me laughing the entire time because of the college humor aspect of the movie. And it truly taught me a lesson about teamwork, as well. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. 

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