Rhetoric of Space

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Lone Survivor: Heroes Live On

Lone Survivor

One of the most prominent and elite special task forces within the U.S. military  are individuals known as the United States Navy Seals who hold true to this statement, “I’m a lover, I’m a fighter, I’m a UDT Navy Seal Diver” (Burg 2013). Based on the true story of a 2005 mission, “Operation Dead Wings”, this compelling war film has brought people from all across the nation to their patriotic feet. Academy award winner, Mark Wahlberg, stars in Lone Survivor, as one of the most valiant heroes of any modern warfare movie since “Saving Private Ryan”. This heroic story begins with six individuals who started out as ordinary men and became one family of brothers who sacrificed their lives for one another—one unit known as Seal Team Ten. Marcus Luttrell (Mark Wahlberg) a member of Seal Team Ten, and his elite team were sent on a mission to capture and kill the infamous senior al Qaeda commander, Ahmad Shahd.  Tragically their mission was compromised, leaving them stranded in Afghanistan fighting together to survive. 
The trailer of Lone Survivor is an action packed drama that is filled with excitement and tragedy that will keep the viewer on his or her feet. I felt a plethora of emotions as each scene was briefly exposed leaving me wanting more and more!  During the course of this trailer, there were a number of rhetorical devices that were used to portray this movie as one of a kind.  First, I felt a strong feeling of ethos due to the star role-played by my one of my favorite actors, Mark Wahlberg. I firmly believe that Wahlberg plays the role of Marcus Luttrell perfectly, grasping the audiences’ attention through inspirational and motivational phrases revealed within the trailer. In addition, I believe that all war films tell a story, a story that strives to reach out to people of how war evolved from the past, exists in the present, and will persist in the future. Another rhetoric device that I saw present in the trailer was logos.  Logos can be identified through the graphic violence depicted in each scene.  I feel as if the director, Peter Burg, is trying to tell the audience that life as a warrior is a chosen path, one that comes with the inevitable choice between life and death. Lastly, I would like to point out the abundance of pathos found within the Lone Survivor trailer. As stated in Everything’s an Argument, “The Effectiveness of many arguments depend on whether or not they are timely” (Lunsford 27).  The most picture-perfect moment is when the soundtrack of “Heroes”, by Peter Gabriel, embodies the true meaning of heroes, sacrificing their lives for their nation. Throughout the song, I felt my heart skip a beat as my thoughts and prayers go out to these warriors in a way that made me appreciate everything that I have ever been awarded. I know that there are people out there risking their lives each and everyday. Former President George W. Bush once stated in Arguments Based on Emotion, “We will be true to the values that make us who we are. And on nights like this one, we can say to those families who have lost loved ones to al Qaeda’s terror: Justice has been done” (Walters 32). The trailer made me realize that these brave and courageous individuals are the reason why we have our freedom.
This epic powerhouse film honors and remembers the people in the military that have lost their lives in combat, honoring our country as true heroes. They not only give our nation hope and prosperity, but also allow the people of the United States to believe once again, that the legend of heroes lives on.  I rate this special movie trailer a 5 out 5 Slurpee’s, and I hope that my analysis will inspire my fellow colleagues to see this magnificent inspirational film.    
Marcus Luttrell’s Final Words
Brave men have fought and died building the proud tradition and fear of reputation that I am bound to uphold.  I died up on that mountain.  There is no question; a part of me will forever be up on that mountain, dead, as my brothers died.  But there is a part of me that lived, because of my brothers.  Because of them I am still alive.  And I can never forget, but no matter how much it hurts, how dark it gets or no matter how far you fall, you are never out of the fight”.
Song: Peter Gabriel: Heroes

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