Rhetoric of Space

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Raving in the Wonderful Land of Oz

      I recently attend the new fantasy adventure film, Oz the Great and Powerful, at Rave Pictures in the Ridgmar Mall in Fort Worth off of I-30. While I didn’t enjoy the new Sam Raimi film based on the works of L. Frank Baum’s Oz novels, I always seem to have a good time at the Rave. The film features James Franco, Rachel Weisz, and Michele Williams (Several actors that I really enjoy), I just thought the overall tone and writing and acting of this film was very cheesy, and while visually stunning and thought provoking, just seemed bland and corny overall. As much as I found distaste in Mila Kunis’s acting, I found joy in Matt and I being the only ones in the theater until two older ladies came in right as the film began. While I found the film uninteresting and a drag to watch, I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the Rave, which I always seem to do.

          I have been to other movie theaters of Rave Pictures across the Dallas/Fort Worth area, and this one doesn’t seem to be as nice as those. I have attended movies at this one before, but I guess I never really took the time to notice the amenities that it lacked in comparison to others that I had visited. While Raves are normally known as being futuristic, very hip styles of a movie theatre, this one just seemed kind of boring. Their workers made my visit very enjoyable. They seemed to enjoy being at work and they were very courteous and helpful. Going midday, there weren’t a lot of people at this Rave at all, but the ones who were there seemed to be having as enjoyable as an experience as I was. Their advertising for upcoming films was spot-on. They had everything from release posters to mini televisions featuring new trailers playing in the hallways, to pop up animated caricatures that you could take your picture with.

            Ethically, emotionally, and logically, the single best quality about the Rave is that they offer five dollar tickets to students. For one’s pocket book’s sake, that is fantastic. While concessions of all kinds are non-surprisingly sky rocketed prices, the five dollar ticket makes the Rave a simple, and nice adventure. It seems to be the most beneficial to just go grab a canned drink and bags of chips and candy from the local convenient store, hide it in your purse, buy your five dollar ticket, and make a date out of it. With their lack of security, this could be an easy feat. Overall, I think that anyone could potentially have a good evening out at this welcoming movie theater. With their pretty decent selection of movies, chill atmosphere, and five dollar ticket price, I could go to the Rave in Ridgmar Mall most any day.  

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