Rhetoric of Space

Friday, October 5, 2012


           A fantastic way to advertise a product is to place it inconspicuously into a movie.  Who doesn’t like movies? Although many people like different types of movies, everyone enjoys something.  It is hard to believe that someone does not like movies at all.  No matter what movie the advertisement is put into, there are a large variety of people who will see it.  One movie in particular had clear sponsorship: Transformers.  Many, if not all, knows this movie is about cars and other technological devices that transform into giant robots that help save the world.  Because of their heavy use of cars as the robots, sponsoring a car dealership was a brilliant idea .
            They use Pontiac, GMC and Hummer H2 throughout the movie but the most memorable is Chevrolet.  They use the new Camaro.  It’s yellow exterior with black stripes fits the characters name, Bumblebee, perfectly.   Because it is a classic car that has been around for decades, they used the old Camaro as a way to advertise the newer version.  Initially, Bumblebee takes the shape of a 1970’s version and the character played by Megan Fox insulted the car by implying that it was too old of a version. (Associated Press, 30 ).  With this comment, the 1970’s Camaro upgrades into the newest version in order to be “more impressive.” 
            This movie, while can intrigue many ages, is directed towards a younger demographic.  However, David Koehler explained that, “The younger demographic most likely to flock to the theatres is exactly what GM needs” (Associated Press, 11).  The importance of having their brand of car as the “main robot” is important because the robots are, in a way, the main characters of the movie.  Shia LaBeouf and Megan Fox would be considered the main characters when only considering the human perspective. However, the robots themselves are actually who the story is based around. They bring people to the theatres because it is something new.  Many movies have famous actors and actresses in them but very few have robots as their main characters. This new concept intrigues a new audience. One problem that can occur is that some people may not like the idea of robots.  Lunsford explains that, “People look to equally knowledgeable individuals to guide them in less momentous matters as well” (Lunsford, 57).  Because humans are not the main characters of the movie, people may hesitate to watch it because they cannot relate to them.  The actor’s credibility in a movie is very crucial because the more relatable they are to the viewers, the more successful the movie will be.
            Because Bumblebee is such a big part of Transformers, Chevrolet even created a Superbowl commercial that used Transformers, specifically Bumblebee, to draw in the audience.  When  the dealerships mascot hit a yellow Camaro with a hammer, it transformed into the Transformer. This caused everyone to panic and then Bumblebee transformed back into the car and drove away.  This direct reference to the movie allowed Chevy to attract a younger group of potential buyers.  The commercial ends with someone saying, “Never mess with a Chevy, dude” (Superbowl Camaro, 1).  This final comment gives the viewer the idea that Chevy is tough.  It instills the idea that only tough people drive tough cars.   Lunsford says, “When writers and speakers find the words and images that evoke certain emotions in people, they might also move their audiences to sympathize with ideas that they connect to those feelings and even to act on them” (Lunsford, 41). That specific statement from the end of the commercial connects to the viewer by making them want to feel tough.  By instilling this emotion in them, they feel the need to act upon it and potentially buy a new car.
            Another commercial that Chevy uses is from the getaway scene in Transformers 3.  This commercial states that, “You may never have to outrun a Decepticon invasion, it’s just nice to know you can” (Autoblog, 1).  This video emphasizes the ability of the new Camaro to get away from anything that could be chasing it.  What guy doesn’t love a fast car? Every commercial created for Chevrolet with a Transformers theme immediately gives off a tough and dangerous image for the car and the company. 
            Chevy and the movie Transformers definitely helped each other with advertisements.  The movie was a great opportunity for the dealership to bring in a bigger and younger demographic.  The car dealership also helped advertise for the movie because after each commercial they would show the date that Transformers would be in theatres.  Sponsorship in movies is a great opportunity for companies to get their product out there. In return, movies receive great publicity by having their movie associated with a product that many people use. 



1 comment:

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